I start with understanding your context – for the organisation, the team or the individual. Through an initial fact finding process we establish your needs and work with you to co-create the way forward. My work typically covers a combination of services; 


I trained with Nancy Kline in her gently radical work creating environments for people to think independently and to think well. This underpins all my work and I provide training for others to learn this way of being and working.


Facilitation is at the heart of all my work. I have expertise in facilitating large groups using World Cafe, Open Space and Unconference approaches and am a qualified Thinking Environment™ facilitator.


I coach, mentor and provide training to build internal capacity to develop the organisation, mentoring and teaching consultancy skills and core OD theory that can be applied in a practical way.


 My coaching work is inspired by the work of Carl Rogers and Nancy Kline and I am a Thinking Environment coach™ which means I am always interested in what you are going to think next. Blocks and barriers are usually caused by untrue assumptions lived as true, and we explore that together. I bring warmth, focus, clarity and ease into my coaching.


I help leaders make the connection to how managing culture is as important as any other aspect of organisational performance.  

I use a wide range of diagnostics and am accredited in the full range of Human Synergistics Culture Tools.

My primary method is to utilise Action Research to collaboratively sense make culture.


I work with Executive and Leadership Teams.
Senior people in organisations hold a huge amount of responsibility. and human dynamics are at the heart of disentangling complex systems (as much as we can) so my work with senior teams focuses on relationships to build and strengthen connection, facilitate clarity and foster alignment.